A Step By Step Guide For Choosing The Right Highlight Wig Color

Highlighting is a technique for partially coloring your hair. Highlighted hair usually features light-colored hair strands combined with dark strands. Therefore, there is an alternation between dark and light shades. You can color your natural hair or wear a highlight wig. This write-up focuses on picking the right highlight wig color.

A guide for choosing the right highlight wig color

You can consider numerous color options when coloring or purchasing a highlighted wig. Below is a guide for making the right color choice;

1. Understand your options

The first thing to do is to study the options. While there are numerous color options, they are not unlimited. In the hair market, there are specific color systems. Before choosing a particular color, it would be wise to go through the color scheme and understand your options. This will allow you to make an informed decision and give you an idea of where to start. It is worth mentioning that the color schemes for highlighted wigs may differ from generally colored wigs.

2. Consider your skin tone

With the knowledge of the range of options, you can pick a color based on your skin tone. Colored hairs come in warm and cool tones. You can use this information to choose the ideal color for your skin tone. The trick is to select the opposite tone of your skin tone.

3. Consider your natural hair color

Besides your skin tone, you must also consider your natural hair color. The trick is to pick a highlight color at one or two shades lighter or darker than your hair. However, it would be unwise to go beyond two shades either way. You can always stick to your natural shade and gradually experiment with other options.

4. Consider the original or primary wig color

You can also use the original wig color to determine the right highlight wig color. For instance, if your wig is brunet, you can experiment with a wide range of lighter shades like blonde, ginger, and honey blonde. The trick for highlighting is to go with a lighter or darker shade depending on the primary color. The primary color is the dominant color of the wig or hair. Naturally, the highlight color is the secondary shade. Considering the primary color when picking the secondary color will help with its aesthetics.

5. How to make a highlighted wig

Now that you understand how to choose a highlight wig color, you can benefit from a simple explanation for making a highlighted wig. The hardest part of the process is preparing the color. However, once you have hacked that process, the rest is a walk in the park. You will need a brush or comb to apply the color. Highlighting is usually as simple as inserting the brush or comb in the color and combing or brushing the hair. This will ensure that the color only gets on a few hair strands.


Choosing a highlight wig color is a significant part of the selection process when buying highlighted wigs. However, it would be best to determine the wig style, hair length, and type other than choosing the color.